Monday, December 23, 2013

Made It

Well, sorry for the delay but Narita's(Tokyo's Airport) Wi-Fi was heavily congested and didn't get a good chance to upload the journey pics when I finally got to where I'll be staying for the next 3 weeks. That and I was exhausted. But I'll rewind a short bit and take you back to what happened after my last post. We finally left Chicago at 12:30 on our 14 hour plane ride. Unfortunately we didn't get bumped up to business class like last time.

People ask me what a 14 hour plane ride is like and how you cope with that. Honestly there is no easy answer. The best thing to do is just to sleep it away. I've tried just about everything when it comes to killing that time and I portion it out typically with half the time spent sleeping and the other half reading, listening to music, watching movies, or playing video games.

The view from my seat looking toward the back of the plane. My brother and Shawna are located about 10 rows back on the right.

There we have our brand new traveler at 6 hours into the flight.

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